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Who New Lookers are Celebrating this Mother's Day

by Emma Menteath, Content Lead

This Mother's Day, we're all about celebrating every kind of mum. Be it a mum, step-mum, friend or auntie, this is the perfect time to say 'thanks' for their never-ending love and support.

​​​​​​​ So, we reached out to our very own New Lookers to find out who they wanted to nominate and show appreciation for this Mother's Day. P.S. we suggest you have a tissue on hand for this one...

1. Chelsea Skinner, Internal Comms Coordinator

This Mother's Day I am nominating...
My mum, Jane Olgun.

Your favourite memory of your mum?
There have been far too many to pick one, but every time I visit home it is filled with wine, good food and chats so there are many more to come too.

What did your mum teach you?
​​​​​​​If you want something badly enough, you will find a way of getting it – she had my twin brothers when she was 49 years old!

2. Carly Murphy, Store Manager

This Mother's Day I am nominating...
My best friend, Sarah Lewis.

Why did you nominate Sarah?
I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy Ronny in December 2019, Sarah was at the hospital that evening to see us both. When he was just 12 weeks old we went into a national lockdown, which wasn’t easy for me or for anyone, especially me being a first time mum in the middle of a pandemic while my husband still had to go to work every day. It hasn’t been the maternity I had dreamed of, with no playdates or lunches, but having a true friend at the end of the phone has made it a lot easier. Sarah has been there every day when I've had no one to talk to, listened when I just needed a cry, or when I needed my New Look fix she would talk to me about work and just overall she's been the most amazing friend. Motherhood is hard, but it’s a lot easier when you have great friends and family. I don’t think Sarah will truly know how much I treasure our friendship (she is honestly one of a kind) and I’m sure if anyone else knows Sarah they will totally agree. So, thank you Sarah for being you and keeping me sane most days. Not only has she been an incredible friend, when lockdown eased and we could meet we have been out and walked - and we have walked some miles. She’s been my biggest cheerleader, as I have her, and she has helped me lose my baby weight and more. Now we are both 3 and a 1/2 stone lighter.

3. Emma Menteath, Content Lead

This Mother's Day I am nominating...
My mum, and my best friend, Sylvie Rademan.

Your favourite memory of your mum?
Sitting at the kitchen counter with her every evening discussing my day. No matter how mundane my chatter was - she used to listen to my step by step rant about every.single.class "and then Mrs.Young told Tommy to leave the class" - she always used to listen with such intent interest whilst cooking me dinner.

What did your mum teach you?
Everything. How to love, how to care, how to push through hardships, to never give up and stand independently. How to persevere, work hard and to give more than I get.

​​​​​​​ She also passed on some interesting habits, like sweeping the floor 3 times a day and avoiding all oil marks in car parks. Thanks for that mum (wink).

4. Laura Bremner, Store Supervisor

This Mother's Day I am nominating...
My incredibly strong and amazing mum, Lorraine Mills.

She has been fighting a grade 4 brain tumour for the past year. Myself and sister do 24 hour care looking after mum, then switch, and each day is extremely special to us spending what time we have left with our amazing mum.

My mum has been an amazing mum to me these past 36 years so it's now my turn to look after her and do everything I can to keep her fighting.

This past year has been incredibly hard for mum and our family and things have changed a lot, but she has proved she is strong and I can't thank her enough for being the most amazing mum in the world.

Your favourite memory of your mum?
I have many favourite memories with my mum but just being with her every day is special. Shopping trips were our favourite days together and now it's watching movies. And today on my timeline we had an amazing day 2 years ago at a spa then lunch and cocktails which I'll treasure forever.

What did your mum teach you?
Throughout my mum's illness, she has taught me so much. I have realised that I'm strong and brave just like my mum and going through this I can do anything. I will cherish every moment and count each day as a blessing.

​​​​​​​ It's taught me to hug my kids and tell them I love them even more than I already do. I want my mum to keep being strong and keep fighting so we can enjoy Mother's Day and make it special as she really is the most incredible mother in the world and I'm very grateful, proud and honoured to call her my mum.

5. Chantal Berry, Stock & Reconciliation Assistant

This Mother's Day I am nominating...
My mum, Trudy Berry.

Your favourite memory of your mum?
It’s really hard to pick just one, as I treasure every single moment and memory I have with my mum.

One of my favourites has got to be her amazing baking and cooking. She made the most delicious rock cakes, Victoria sponge and an incredible casserole (my job was always to make the dumplings!) Our house was constantly filled with scrumptious smells…and is probably the reason why I’ve always loved food so much.

What did your mum teach you?
​​​​​​​Unfortunately my Mum passed away just over 6 years ago, at the time I was just 20 years old and I’ve really missed not having my mum around to help guide me through early adulthood (luckily, I have 3 amazing older siblings, who support me so much!) Three of the most important things that my mum taught me was to be strong, not to take life too seriously and most importantly to be happy.

6. Lynsey Morgan, Deputy Manager

This Mother's Day I am nominating...
My mum and fellow manager, Samantha Rees.

Your favourite memory of your mum?
I cannot possibly narrow down one memory, as knowing her for 32 years means we have had unlimited memories together, she has made me the person I am today.

What did your mum teach you?
My mum has taught me to be strong, independent and always to follow my goals. I joined the New Look family because of her and together we have a huge passion for it. She is my absolute rock and is there for me whenever I need her, through thick and thin. The cheese to my cracker and the butter to my bread. I love her unconditionally.

7. Dominic Jarrott, Sales Advisor

This Mother's Day I am nominating...
My Mum, Caz Jarrott.

Your favourite memory of your mum?
My favourite memory with my mum would be when my brother was getting married and she wanted me to help her pick out two outfits for the day, one for the wedding reception and another for the party afterwards. We went to town and spent the whole day shopping for these outfits and made a proper day of it; this was special to me because my mum's normal attire is men's tracksuits and for the wedding she was adamant that she wanted to wear a dress and heels because she wanted to feel pretty. I'm proud to have shared that experience with her.

What did your mum teach you?
​​​​​​​ My mum taught me to always be myself no matter what people say, I have always been interested in fashion and growing up I had people that would tease me for it but my mum would always tell me not to worry. She is the reason I am as confident as I am today and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

8. Sue Hooper, Store Manager

This Mother's Day I am nominating...
My supervisor, Emily Grandfield, who has just become a first time mum.

Your favourite memory of Emily?
We only have a few, but it has to be that she’s always helped to re-open the store after lockdowns, she works so hard I had to tell her many times she was pregnant as she'd forget and would carry on doing the same things.

What did Emily teach you?
She’s taught me to appreciate things in life. 


9. Lucy Everill, Logistics Colleague

This Mother's Day I am nominating...
My daughter, Nancy-Mae.

Your favourite memory of your daughter?
My favourite memory is every day. Living the best life with my mini me.

What has your daughter taught you?
​​​​​​​ She has taught me what love is.